
Updates from Whirlow

Opening times from 23 to 27 March - plus Chaplain's reflection

* On Monday March 23rd, Tuesday March 24th, Wednesday March 25th, Thursday March 26th and Friday March 27th, the Chapel is likely to be open between 10am and 12 noon *

Reflection from Communion on 17th March:

On the feast day of St Patrick, we held what will be our last Reflective Communion for some time.

It was a precious, poignant time. We reflected on the words of two ancient hymns: St Patrick’s Breastplate, thought to be written by St Patrick in a time of great danger; the ancient Hebrew hymn, Psalm 91.

[Download these here.]

The words of both are apt, reminding us not to lose hope or give way to fear but reclaim our hope in God, in whose strength we arise each day.

We closed our prayers of concern with a Prayer for a Pandemic

Those associated with Whirlow are invited to send reflections, songs, websites and other resources that they find helpful. We might share some of these on our website or in mailings, during this time of physical separation.

This week, you might like to listen to this version of The Deer’s Cry

Sit with the words (some of which are repeated below as used in Keith Duke’s version) and allow the Holy Spirit to lead you into contemplation of a God who loves, protects and guides us in difficult and fearful times.

“Christ before me

Christ behind me

Christ above me

Christ below me

Christ to left and

Christ to right

Christ within both day and night.”

Feel free to email us with your own suggestions.

See our initial message about programme changes here.


Embrace scuplture image courtesy of Eric Kilby and Creative Commons