
Updates from Whirlow

After a resurrection.... what next?

The period after Easter in the Christian year speaks of hopes fulfilled and dreams realised. It is also ok to feel a strange anti-climax; an uncertainty about what to do with the freedom we have been given; a trepidation about stepping into the light….. This reflection encourages us to hold our nerve and do just that.

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Called to Hope

The first week of Eastertide: Christians celebrate Jesus’ Resurrection. Sorrow and desolation at a brutal crucifixion are replaced with hope and joy. An inextinguishable light of love breaks through the darkness, reaching out to each of us personally, eternally, regardless of our history or circumstances. In this reflection we ask, what is the hope I am offered?

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Power Games

As we approach Holy Week, there is a sense of irresistible, looming darkness in the Gospel chapters. What do Jesus’ responses to his situation teach us?

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Rediscovering the World of Dreams this Lent

A homicidal ruler and a last-minute escape from the jaws of death are featured in today’s scripture - but it is in the realm of dreams, beneath those surface events, that we wander for inspiration. Could that landscape feature on your Lenten journey?

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Uproar..... Stillness.

During this past year, much of the news we have received is about chaos, violence and struggle.

And … there have been images of quiet city centres and motorways; of people enjoying a spacious walk.It has been a time of contrasts.

A sacred song from the Hebrew bible mirrors those and, along with a poem by D.H. Lawrence, gives us food for thought.

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Come As You Are

Today we are invited to bring the truth of ourselves into our spiritual and religious practices - and the all-too-common hypocrisy practiced in those arenas is condemned. It is easier said than done to bring our full selves into a place of public encounter and worship.

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Have we had enough? Clues to contentment.

What, if anything, do you believe would make you happy? Complete release from lockdown? A simple hug from a loved one? Neither of these are likely for some weeks, if not months. We might long for them but perhaps we might also ask for the ability to experience contentment in the here and now, as it were a gift in itself.

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Words as Waymarkers

In these times of enforced distance, it is particularly difficult to relate to people as whole beings. Even before the pandemic, divisions created by an over-reliance on engaging only with what someone else says were strikingly evident. In this reflection, we look at scriptures and try to develop a wiser way forward…..

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Villains, Clowns, Heroes and the slow work of the heart

Religious and political leaders can be viewed as pantomime baddies in our interpretations of the New Testament. Today’s reflection issues an invitation to enter imaginatively into the hearts of several characters, including those we find offputting. Perhaps we see ourselves in them all?

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