However things are going for you right now, the Sacred Song for today reminds us that we are always accepted and always belong.
Thanks to Ingbert Merz from Pixabay
The collection of Psalms is found in the Ketuvim and the Bible. It covers the full gamut of human emotion. Today, we invite you to find hope and comfort in one of the many joyful poems or songs from that collection. Psalm 100 focuses on the goodness of God and invites God’s people to respond in celebration. It is sometimes called the Jubilate.
Spend some time with this Song to see if it has anything to say to you today.
Two reassurances stand out that we hope will be helpful:
“It is he who has made us and we are his”
In this time of turmoil and great uncertainty, God knows us completely. God knows absolutely everything, down to the last atom and the most fleeting thought. We belong, are accepted just as we are, accompanied through every moment of our existence and held secure in love.
“For the LORD is good and his love endures forever;
his faithfulness continues through all generations.”
Here is security for the people who let this song ring out to their god: unlimited faithfulness; unlimited love.
“All through the storm,
your love is the anchor.
My hope is in you alone.”
May you find space to reflect and some encouragement from these words and the heritage of faith in this challenging time. Grace, Peace and Love to you all.