Christmas is the perfect time to remember that actions speak louder than words. Words, without accompanying actions, are nothing.
In this post, we reflect on how love can only be demonstrated through the integrity of our deeds. Say what we might, our actions define us. The birth of God’s Word - as a messy, wailing baby emerging into a dangerous, dirty environment - is the ultimate case in point.
Thanks to Sander van der Wel for the image.
You may like to look back at our earlier post - Words are Cheap. Today, we invite you to consider the apostle John’s first letter, chapter 2 and verses 3 - 11 It is strong stuff!
“Whoever says, “I have come to know him”, but does not obey his commands, is a liar, and in such a person the truth does not exist”
Explaining what living in the light of Christ might mean, John writes in stark simplicity that ‘whoever loves a brother or sister lives in the light’.
Jesus told his disciples:
“I give you a new commandment, that you love one another.”
And when challenged to sum up his people’s religious laws, he quoted this Hebrew scripture:
“love God with everything you’ve got and your neighbour as yourself”
Pause and Pray
How might I love God like this?
What happens when I can’t love my neighbour?
How can anyone can be commanded to love? Surely, it doesn’t work like that?
Well … if we rethink love, making it primarily an act of will rather than a feeling; an act of kindness, a disposition towards mercy and forgiveness rather than expression of emotion… this makes more sense.
Jesus gave the ‘new commandment’ about loving our neighbour after washing his disciples’ feet, hours before his arrest and crucifixion. It is not an order from on high but an invitation to share in a way of life.
Back to John’s letter:
“Whoever says, “I abide in him”, ought to walk just as he walked’”
Pause and Pray
How might I share in the loving of all people, which is Jesus’ way? Lord help me!
John’s letters and his gospel account place great emphasis on love. But he is not the only one. Paul and Peter do teh same. We are invited to love and whenever we fail, as we do so often, we are reminded that ‘love covers a multitude of sins.’ (1 Peter 4.8).
Perhaps Mariah is right after all - All we need, this Christmas, is love (in action).
Happy Christmas from us all at Whirlow Spirituality Centre!