purpose and values

Our Ethos

The ethos of the Centre is to offer a safe, sacred place of stillness, prayer and learning. It is truly ecumenical and we value our Anglican foundation. Those who worship, lead and volunteer here come from a broad spectrum of Christian faith traditions. We have discovered that when we keep Christ at the centre the Christian virtues of faith, hope and love become more significant than denominational identity. We demonstrate this faith, hope and love by offering a place of safety, stillness and learning for all people, whatever their faith identity. We aim to be a place of generous hospitality and sanctuary, mirroring the generous hospitality of God. We are aware that Christian contemplative wisdom and practices support transformation and inspire loving action.

We have learnt to never underestimate the importance and value of contemplative prayer where we intentionally wait in the presence of God, not necessarily saying anything, just being. Churches, as well as individuals can be, and are, transformed by giving room to God’s Spirit in this way. We often discover that it is in times of stillness and silence that the Holy Spirit mysteriously works and transforms us to have more of ‘the mind of Christ’.

Our values

We ‘keep God at the centre of all we do’, not only in what we offer, but by how we plan and work together, and how the Board of Trustees oversees the strategic planning of the Centre.

We prioritise those on the margins’as practiced by Jesus. This includes those on the social and financial margins of society. We would not want anyone excluded for reasons of financial hardship. Any group or individual wishing to access our events or space and concerned about cost is invited to contact the Chaplain to explore how this might be possible.

Those who find themselves on the margins of the institutional church may also find their way to Whirlow. They have not lost their faith but, for one reason or another, are struggling with some expressions (or aspects) of church.

The discomfort felt by those on the spiritual margins informs another of our values, ‘time and people are precious – neither should be rushed’, as we journey with them trying to find God in their situation.

We offer a safe place for people to come and spend time in quiet, perhaps also to have a conversation without fear of being judged. We seek to support people in their times of not knowing where to go spiritually and to hold them in loving prayer as they find their way. Whirlow offers unconditional time and space and an invitation to join in with what we offer with no obligations.

We aim to ‘walk lightly on the earth’. God speaks to us through Christ, and Christ reveals himself through his Word and through creation, so we cannot help but respect and honour our environment. We offer a welcoming and eco-friendly venue and set ourselves high environmental standards. We think carefully about what we use, or do not use, conscious that our decisions will especially impact those on the margins. We consciously offer events and worship that challenge and encourage us to nurture God’s creation.