
Updates from Whirlow

Administration and Operations Co-ordinator needed

The work and ministry of Whirlow continues to develop to such an extent we are looking for the right person to join our team to co-ordinate the efficient administration and operations of the Centre.

Whilst the centre operates it’s day to day work under the board of Whirlow Grange Ltd, its partner All Saints, Ecclesall continues to offer support with the employment and payroll element of it’s work. Therefore, although , you will be based and managed at Whirlow Spirituality Centre, under the direction of the organsation’s friendly and supportive Chaplain, Joy Adams, you will be employed by Ecclesall PCC

The role is part time, for 15 hours a week, to be worked over 3 or 4 days including Mondays The role is paid £14 per hour

If you have any questions about the post, please call our Chaplain, Joy Adams on 07986456838 or All Saints Operations Manager, Rachel McLafferty on 0114 2687574. The recruitment documents are available to download below, and can be returned by email or by post. The closing date for applications is 5pm on Friday 8th February 2019.

Cover letter

Administration and Operations Co-ordinator Job Description and Person Specification

Administration and Operations Co-ordinator Terms and Conditions

Application Form

Returning home!

Services and events are returning to Whirlow this week, following building work on site.

The improved chapel, lounge, new toilets and kitchen have been used by Sheffield Methodist Circuit youth leaders, Deep Talkers and the Diocesan Centenary Project youth leaders.

Chaplain Joy Adams said: "It is great to be back! 

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Changes to March programme at Whirlow

Planned Holy Week events have been cancelled at Whirlow Spirituality Centre because works on site will take longer than expected.

This decision has been made in order to prioritise the comfort and safety of visitors. It is disappointing for the staff and community of Whirlow – who look forward to welcoming people back to the Chapel of the Holy Spirit when it is renewed and improved.


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Site works and relocations

As building work intensifies at Whirlow Spirituality Centre, a decision has been made to relocate some of our services and events.

We are grateful to our friends at All Saints and St Gabriel's churches for welcoming us and hosting parts of the evening and weekend programme that were scheduled to take place in the chapel of the Holy Spirit.

The changes are as follows:


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Update! The 60th Anniversary Project

Contractors have now met to agree a programme of works for Whirlow Spirituality Centre, which should start on January 8th and be completed by Easter - earlier than anticipated.

Since our last post , which details the work that will be done, we have heard that refurbishment of the chapel and rearrangement of the kitchen / toilet area will be done simultaneously and that there will be no need for a full closure.  

It had been expected that the work would be carried out in two stages: the Chapel before Easter and toilets and kitchen afterwards. A short closure during the second stage was anticipated. 

But contractors can ensure the Centre has a toilet and running water throughout and is accessible for all weekend and evening events. They also aim to have the project complete in time for Easter.

There will be disruption and inconvenience during weekdays, so some changes have been made to our programme:

  • Simple Quiet Days in January and February have been cancelled
  • Ash Wednesday Quiet Day has been cancelled
  • Song of Songs Live has been postponed, new date tbc
  • Tuesday Reflective Communion services will be relocated during January and February, venue tbc
  • The library will not be accessible during some of this time.

We plan to run everything else as advertised. Please keep an eye on the website, Facebook page and Spirituality Centre emails for further details. 

There will be no specific fundraising for this project. It will be funded by the centre’s operating partners, Whirlow Grange Ltd and All Saints Ecclesall, from existing resources. However, the partners would be delighted if anyone wishes to make a contribution towards the costs of this ongoing development.

Payment details are given on the previous post.

Please contact us for any further details.

The 60th Anniversary Project

Improvements to Whirlow Spirituality Centre will start in January and be completed in time for its 60th Anniversary in September 2018.

The Chapel of the Holy Spirit was consecrated in June 1958. During the first half of next year, recommendations for upgrading its facilities - made by inspectors in 2014 - will be addressed. 

Works will support the development and growth of the Spirituality Centre’s ministry. Plans include a second toilet, refurbished kitchen, new Chapel windows, improved AV, internet and exhibition capabilities as well as storage that better suits the character and life of the centre.

Chaplain Joy Adams said: “We are excited to see what God has for us in the future - these changes to our building will be an important step on the journey.”

It is expected that the refurbishment will be carried out in two stages. Work on the Chapel will be done before Easter and the rearrangement of toilets and kitchen afterwards. There will be disruption to the Centre’s activity during the first stage and a short closure during the second. 

A December meeting with all contractors will indicate whether alternative venues or postponements are necessary for any Whirlow events. These will be advertised as necessary. Please keep an eye on the website, Facebook page and Spirituality Centre emails for details. 

There will be no specific fundraising for this project. It will be funded by the centre’s operating partners, Whirlow Grange Ltd and All Saints Ecclesall, from existing resources. However, the partners would be delighted if anyone wishes to make a contribution towards the costs of this ongoing development.

Payment details are given below.

Please contact us for any further details.

Please reference all donations ‘60th Anniversary Project – YOUR SURNAME’. 

Payments by BACS should go into the following account:
Name - Whirlow Grange Limited
Sort code - 05-08-53
Account number – 20255748

Cheques should be made payable to Whirlow Grange Limited.

Please Gift Aid your donation if you are a taxpayer. The relevant form can be found here.

Please return cheques and paperwork to:

Whirlow Grange Ltd
60th Anniversary Project
c/o Whirlow Spirituality Centre
Whirlow Grange Drive
S11 9RX

Whirlow in 2018

Plans are being made for 2018 at Whirlow! Here are some of the things in the pipeline.....

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Living in God's World: the Contemplative Response to Justice

Perhaps global and local events have your mind in a spin....

Consider coming to our special Quiet Day on September 30th when we will welcome Br Philip and Br Marc from the Community of the Resurrection, Mirfield.

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Community Bible Study starting soon!

Friday September 15 will be the first Community Bible Study at Whirlow Spirituality Centre.

CBS aims to provide participants with an opportunity to engage in in-depth, life-changing study of the bible. It is non-denominational, community-based and inclusive to all. See the website for more details

Sessions here will run weekly from 0945 to 1130, with refreshments to begin.

Please email Ali Woodman if you're interested in attending, or phone her on 07985 931289.


Praying with Asylum Seekers

We were delighted and moved on Thursday to hear stories from Rodrigo Edema and Pride Mbi, representing City of Sanctuary Sheffield.

Part of our Praying With... series, the event gave us opportunity to hear personal stories from and ask questions of those with experience of seeking refuge.


Anna Potts appointed as Events Co-ordinator

We are delighted to announce the appointment of Anna Potts as our Events Co-ordinator from Monday June 5th. Anna comes with much experience in events management. Anna writes:

"Hi! I'm Anna.

I live with my family in north Sheffield. I've been a stay-at-home mum of twins for the last few years with a background working in local journalism, events management and community development. This work has often been done with churches and Christian organisations. 

I'm very interested in Christian spirituality and was delighted to see this role advertised. It will be great to join you all!

In other news, I play the 'cello and write a blog .... as often as the toddlers and my penchant for relaxation allow!"

Welcome, Anna, we look forward to getting to know you and working with you.

Holy Week Reflection 5 - Waiting and Grieving

Luke 23: 55-56

As the body was taken away, the women from Galilee followed and saw it carried to the tomb. Then they went home and prepared spices and ointments to embalm him; but by the time they were finished it was the Sabbath, so they rested all that day as required by the Jewish law.  (The Living Bible)

Lord, where are you now?

 So there it is, the ugly shape of beautiful wood, rough hewn by human hands.


 And there it is, a tight-shut tomb, a borrowed grave, sealed with stone and silence.


And there it is, your broken body, shrouded in linen, clothed in darkness.


And somewhere stand your people, crying though tired of crying, their eyes sore and bloodshot, they will not sleep tonight.


 And out in the streets, the children have stopped their playing, the sound of music has gone sour, even the unlikely folk fidget and wonder.


 And here we are, saying, ‘If only,’    murmuring, ‘Surely not,’    counting the cost for once of our carelessness and our lovelessness and our sin.

 Trying so vainly to gain all, we’ve bartered you away in the transaction. We have lost the one who found us.

 With the Peters and Marys of all time we wait, for only you can tell whether we are worth rising for.          Amen

1998 WGRG, Iona Community, Glasgow, G51 3UU, Scotland


Holy Week Reflection 4 - The Trial and Crucifixion of Jesus

Jesus is condemned to death

Pilate asked what crime Jesus has committed. It was a good question. Jesus had annoyed the religious leaders, of that there was no doubt. He had been critical of social and religious structures. He had healed the villagers;he had told stories to the crowds; he had probably been a threat to public law and order; but was that enough to condemn him, to end his life?

But he would not defend himself – the story teller was silent now and the crowds was noisy and Pilate handed him over to be crucified.           

Jesus is nailed on the cross

We look on from a distance: a distance of time and space and culture, a distance of a Friday evening in Sheffield in Lent. And for us it hurts to watch Jesus dying, even at a distance. It hurts to know we are being shown a better way. It hurts to know how much we are valued and loved.

For the depth of your love for us, we thank you.

God in your mercy,


(From Stations of the Cross in Eggs and Ashes. Wild Goose Publications

Holy Week Reflection 3 - The Last Supper

Mark 14: 17-26

 When evening came, Jesus arrived with the Twelve. While they were reclining at the table eating, he said, ‘I tell you the truth, one of you will betray me – 0ne who is eating with me.’  They were saddened, and one by one they said to him, ‘Surely not I?’  ‘It is one of the Twelve,’ he replied, ‘one who dips bread into the bowl with me.  The Son of Man will go just as it is written about him.  But woe to that man who betrays the Son of Man!  It would be better for him if he had not been born.’

 While they were eating, Jesus took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to his disciples, saying, ‘Take it; this is my body.’  Then he took the cup, gave thanks and offered it to them, and they all drank from it.  ‘This is my blood of the covenant[1], which is poured out for many,’ he said to them.  ‘I tell you the truth, I will not drink again of the fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it anew in the kingdom of God.’

When they had sung a hymn, they went out to the Mount of Olives.

 (See also: Matthew 26: 20-30, Luke 22: 13-38)




Imagine yourself as one whom Jesus has invited to share in this Last Supper.  What is it that Jesus longs for you to understand about the meaning of his life?  What do you long for in your relationship with God?





We use some (but not all) of the elements of the Passover meal to focus our thoughts:

The picture of the sacrificial lamb; ‘Behold the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!’ (John the Baptist on Jesus.)

The sweet paste, charoseth, was a reminder of the clay from which the Israelites had made bricks in Egypt -reflect on what you have been saved from by Jesus.

Salt water represented the tears of the Israelite slaves in Egypt.  It also reminded them of the cost of salvation (the tears of the Egyptians for their first-born) and of the waters of the Red Sea through which they passed into freedom -  reflect on the cost of your freedom (the suffering and death Jesus embraced for you).



Meditate on the picture of The Last Supper by Sieger Koeder.

Holy Week Reflection 2 - The Anointing of Jesus

John 12: 2-8

Anointing of Jesus 2.jpg

Jesus came to Bethany, the home of Lazarus, whom he had raised from the dead. There they gave a dinner for him. Martha served, and Lazarus was one of those at the table with him. 

 Mary took a pound of costly perfume made of pure nard, anointed Jesus’ feet, and wiped them with her hair. The house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume. 

But Judas Iscariot, one of his disciples (the one who was about to betray him), said, “Why was this perfume not sold for three hundred denarii and the money given to the poor?” (He said this not because he cared about the poor, but because he was a thief; he kept the common purse and used to steal what was put into it.) 

Jesus said, “Leave her alone. She bought it so that she might keep it for the day of my burial. You always have the poor with you, but you do not always have me.”


 ‘And the house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume’ 

  The different fragrances are a reminder of our offering of love and worship.  Perhaps you could take some perfumed lotion and rub it onto your hands as you reflect on this story.

 Ask yourself - How can I, in my situation and within my own personality, be like this woman?  Her life had been so deeply touched by Jesus that she wanted to do something precious for him.  Is that true for me?

 ‘She has done what she could.’

What could you bring as an offering of love, gratitude and worship?  Hold it in your mind and mark it in some way by writing it down or by lighting  a candle and placing it somewhere significant.



Holy Week Reflection 1 - Cleansing The Temple

Mark 11:12-18

Jesus entered the temple area and drove out all who were buying and selling there.

 He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves, and would not allow anyone to carry merchandise through the temple courts.

 And as he taught them, he said,” Is it not written: ‘My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations’? But you have made it a ‘den of robbers’.”

 The chief priests and the teachers of the law heard this and began looking for a way to kill him, for they feared him, because the crowd was amazed at his teaching.          

                           (See also Matthew 21:12-15; Luke 19:45-48)

 The temple area was always crowded during Passover with thousands of out-of-town visitors. The religious leaders crowded it further by allowing money changers and merchants to set up booths in the court of the Gentiles.

The temple tax had to be paid in local currency but the money changers would charge exorbitant exchange rates. As they had travelled vast distances many people had to buy their animals for sacrifices in the temple area where prices were higher than elsewhere.

Jesus was angry at the dishonest, greedy practices of the money changers and merchants who exploited those who had come to God’s house to worship.

 They were making a mockery of God’s house of worship.


 He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves …

  •  Is there anything you do or say that might prevent others from coming to worship God?
  •  Is there anything you do or think that prevents you from worshipping wholeheartedly?
  • Is there anything about which you are angry about, that you need to give to Jesus rather than harbouring it?
  •  Is there anything else which needs liberating from your life?

‘My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations’

  •  Pray for The Chapel of The Holy Spirit (and/or your own church) to be a house of prayer for all.
  • Pray for injustices that you are aware of in your community, city, nation, other nations.




Event Co-ordinator needed

Our Spirituality Programme developed and managed by our Chaplain, along with volunteers, has become so full and so successful, we are now looking to recruit an Events Co-ordinator -  advert below. Please pray that the right person is chosen and appointed.

Click here for the link to the advert

Music for the Spirit

Music for the Spirit                                              

Whirlow has been home to the highly successful ‘We who sing pray twice’ events for over six years, but other musical activity has largely consisted of recordings and occasional hymns and songs in the monthly reflective worship and weekly communion services.

The Chaplain at Whirlow Spirituality Centre, Joy Adams and David Quinney have been working for almost a year to arrange a series of recitals and concerts in the Chapel of the Holy Spirit at Whirlow.

The programme will introduce chamber-style classical music events recognising the spiritual dimension of music, to use it to celebrate the unique atmosphere and ideal setting of the Chapel. The series will also seek to increase the attraction of local residents to the Spirituality Centre that was originally built to be their place of worship.

The series is intended to offer musical performances resonating with the reflective, meditative and affirmative style of this special place. Invitations have been made to five performers and ensembles, as follows:

·         Friday 19 May 7.30pm: Hallam Sinfonia String Quartet

·         Saturday 3 June 7.30pm: Lucy Phillips (Violin) and David Hammond (Piano)

·         Friday 30 June 7.30pm: Chloe Saywell (Soprano), Stephanie Pitts (Piano) and Matthew Redfearn (Trumpet and Flugelhorn)

·         Saturday 23 September 7.30pm: Wind Quintet under the direction of Martin Lightowler

·         Saturday 28 October 7.30pm: Simeon Wood (Flute and other wind instruments including NHS walking stick!)

Bookings can be made online - including a saving of £5 if you book all 5 concerts together.

Lent at Whirlow


Our plans for Lent and Easter are in progress, beginning with a reflective Ash Wednesday Service on 1st March at 7.00pm in the Chapel of the Holy Spirit. Rev Sheila Walters and Rev Joy Adams (Chaplain) will be leading us in a reflection on God's loving-kindness -and our response to it,  culminating in ashing and sharing bread & wine for those who wish.

We would love you to join us as we prepare to enter Lent.


During Lent, from March 11th - 31st, we shall be exhibiting the 7 Holiness & Justice paintings of Ric Stott. These were commissioned by the President and Vice-President of the Methodist Conference. All details can be found here

Ric will also be leading an evening on Praying with Art on March 16th and a Lent Quiet Day on March 25th.